Faithful Love

Faithful Love



When worry robs my joy
I will reach for Your faithful love
When sorrow breaks my heart,
I will rest in all You’ve done
You’ve been faithful from the start of time
You are more than able to provide

Chorus 1

Your faithful love endures forever
Your love endures forever
Wrapped around the firm beneath me
Holding on completely
I will trust
I will trust Your faithful love


When anger steals my peace,
I will grasp for your faithful love
When indifference taints my thoughts,
I will dwell on all You’ve done
Though my strength may fail, I know what’s true
All You’ve promised will carry me through


You are my fortress, my hiding place
You are my rescue, my saving grace
You are my future, my daily bread
Your love is constant and never ends


Your arms are reaching out, bearing scars of your faithful love
When I start to doubt, take my hand and lead me on

Chorus 2

Your faithful love endures forever
Your love endures forever
Wrapped around the firm beneath me
Holding on completely

Chorus 1

Your faithful love endures forever
Your love endures forever
Wrapped around the firm beneath me
Holding on completely
I will trust
I will trust Your faithful love